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"I know that “your young hearts want to build a better world. Young people are taking to the streets! The young want to be protagonists of change. Please, do not leave it to others to be protagonists of change. You are the ones who hold the future! Through you, the future enters into the world. I ask you also to be protagonists of this transformation... (Christus Vivit, #174). 


Relive this Day in GSP 2020

Recommended Daily Schedule

Last day. Thank you for your service and your prayers. Thank you for being a part of our GSP community.

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Ways to Serve

Let's. End. Strong.

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Morning Show

We tried that Happy Meal milkshake from the other day...bad idea. Proceed watching today's episode

with caution!


The Good Night

GSP ends tonight. Thank you for all you watching. We cannot wait to be back in person in 2021!

Keynote with Brian

Teacher at Jesuit. National speaker. Friend. Brian Greenfield helps us close GSP with his powerful message!

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Just for Parents

Every year after GSP, parents ask their children "what did you do this week?" The answers usually vary. Now you know! So parents..."what did you do this week?"


 This ministry is supported through the Diocese of St. Petersburg and donations to the Annual Pastoral Appeal.

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