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Frequently Asked Questions

Here is what you need to know about GSP 2021! 
(or as best as we can predict at this time!)

Is GSP Still Happening?


     YES! Our communities always need Good Samaritans to step up and help us return to a sense of normalcy.


Will this program be held at Bishop McLaughlin? 


     YES! We are excited to be returning to Bishop McLaughlin Catholic High School located at 13651 Hays Rd, Spring Hill, FL        34610. 


     We feel that with the right precautions we can provide a safe, fun and holy experience this summer. The safety and well-             being of our teens, chaperones, and recipients of our service remains as our highest priority, even as we gather in person. 


Who can Participate in Person?


     The 2020 Good Samaritan Project will be open to anyone entering 8th grade through their senior year of high school. All           youth must be accompanied by a parish, school or team, with appropriate chaperones. 


How do I register for GSP this summer?​


     Our registration is live! To register, your parish or school must be attending. You can register HERE!


Does my child need to sleep over each night or can I pick them up each night and bring them back the following morning?


     We are asking that all students plan to spend the entirety of the week with us on the program, including overnight. This will           minimize the risk of additional outside threats of sharing Covid.


How much does GSP Cost?


     $200. This includes, lodging, meals, transportation to and from service sites, four (4) GSP shirts, and much more!


My parish or school is not registered as going to GSP, can I still attend?


     In order to attend, teens must be a part of a parish, school, or team group. If your parish isn't registered, contact your youth         minister and let them know that you want to go!


Will there be Options to Participate from home? 


     YES! We understand that the timing may not be ideal for everyone to gather in person, either due to Covid or other                   obligations. Similar to last year, we will be providing daily reflections, challenges, service site suggestions, videos to                   parents, and more all on our website. We will also live stream as much of our schedule as possible. As we get closer to GSP       2021, please look for our updated schedules on this website.


    You can also follow us on Facebook (DOSP Good Samaritan Project) or Instagram (@GoodSamProject). We have a monthly        GSP e-newsletter than you can sign up for HERE! During GSP, we will be sending out 1-2 emails per day.


Who can Participate Online?


     Our content, including morning/evening shows, Mass homilies, daily challenges and reflections, keynote addresses and             resources, will be geared to those in 8th grade and above. Families are more than welcome to participate together virtually!       Parents of teens who are joining us in person are also invited to join us virtually!


Is there a cost to Participate Online? 


     No! We are grateful that you will be joining us from home. Please make sure to share posts, "like" our videos, and comment         to let us know that you are watching along.


     You are more than welcome to purchase GSP t-shirts. We have previous year's shirts available for $5 or you can pre-order           this year's shirts for $10. Please place your order HERE!


I am graduating/graduated high school, can I still participate?


     YES! Anyone between the ages of 18-25 can serve in a special role called the "Project Team". You will be asked to                   participate in online planning sessions as well as a variety of responsibilities during the week of GSP. Learn more HERE!


Will we be able to receive service hours?

     YES! For those participating with us in person, they will be awarded 32 service hours. Upon completion of the program, the         Diocese of St Petersburg will provide all parish and school group leaders with appropriate letters. All future inquiries and             necessary sign-offs on service hours need to be done through the parish or school that you participated with. 


Will I get credit with Bright Futures? 


     In most cases, YES! We work with amazing agencies located in Hillsborough, Pasco and Hernando counties. The service           that we provide is almost always accepted by Bright Futures. However, the Good Samaritan Project exists to meet the needs         of our community. We do acknowledge that there is a slight chance students may be asked to serve at a location that Bright        Futures does not provide credit for. Please talk to your parish or school leader for more clarity. 


What do we need to bring?


    Each year, we provide a recommended packing list. HERE is our packing list from 2019. We don't anticipate any/many            changes to it. However, we will email a final packing list to all participants roughly one month prior. 



What Impact will Covid-19 Have on the GSP 2021?


What will rooming assignments look like?


     In previous years, we have slept between 15-20 students per classroom. For 2021, our goal will be to fit between 8-12             students per classroom.  Our hope is that each parish or school will be able to fill a classroom with only their students.                 However, for smaller groups this may not be possible and we may have to combine two groups to fill a classroom. 


     The air mattresses (which we provide) will be spaced out appropriately. We will ask students not to move or rearrange air         mattresses; however, we will not be able to consistently monitor this situation. If other students move their air mattresses and           makes your child uncomfortable, they are to seek out the assistance of an adult immediately. 


     Only students who are assigned to a designated classroom will be allowed in that classroom during the day and at night.           Any violations of this policy could result in dismissal from the program. 


     Students will not be required to wear their masks in their sleeping space. They are free to make their own determination of           comfort. Social distancing is still recommended. 


What will service sites look like?


     As we continue to finalize our service sites, we will be posting more information about there HERE! We love the connections         that we have made with the various agencies over the years. They all have beautiful and special missions. In some situations,       we may be able to continue providing our direct service to their clients (i.e. working with residents, providing meals to                 homeless). However, we are also aware that due to uncertainty of Covid, we may be asked to do more indirect service (i.e.         painting, landscaping). This is both for the protection of the agency and our group. Masks will not be required for outside           work, but they should be kept readily available to allow for acceptable interactions with staff. If indoor work is needed, we         will follow the agencies' policies on masks. 


     We are currently working on our transportation plan. Our vision includes having a bus for each parish or school to take them       to their work site. If a bus needs to bring a second group to a work site, we will be asking our college leaders to assist in           sanitizing the seats before the next group enters the bus. As of now, masks will be required on bus rides. 


What other changes can we expect?


      We expect GSP 2021 to have a similar feel and style as in previous years. However, there will need to be some                      adjustments. We will act prudently so as to always put your children in the safest situations possible. We ask for flexibility            and understanding as to any of the necessary precautions that we feel we have to take. 


     We will continue to monitor the CDC's recommendations, as well, as a variety of recommendations on how to safely run a           summer camp. (Note: GSP is not a camp!!)  This may include additional space in between groups at meals or in our large           group sessions. This may include extra outdoor activities.


Do we need to provide proof of a negative Covid test to participate?


    We do not anticipate needing proof of a negative Covid test. We do ask that if members of your family are not feeling well        or have been possibly exposed to Covid, that you get tested or opt to miss GSP 2021. We would ask that, as best as                possible, you try to avoid high risk areas prior to GSP. (#HonorSystem)


Is the Covid vaccine required to participate?


     No. We are not requiring students or adults to have received the Covid vaccine. There will be no added benefits for having         received the vaccine. (i.e. not being required to wear masks at certain times, special classrooms, etc)


What happens if a child/adult shows symptoms of Covid during the week?


      We will be taking temperatures prior to entry at GSP. We reserve the right to check temperatures at other points during the            week. We may not allow students/adults with temperatures of 100.4 or higher to participate in certain events or go out to          serve. The same is true for other symptoms. 


      These students/adults may be asked to quarantine in one of our designated areas to properly assess the situation and                symptoms. We may determine that they have to be sent home. We appreciate the support of parents and guardians in                picking their child up immediately so as to minimize exposure.  


Are there refunds if we have to cancel due to Covid?


Regardless of time missed or if you have been sent home, there are no financial refunds for GSP for any reason after June 18, 2021. If your child tests positive for Covid between June 7-18, we will provide a full refund with proof of a positive test. However, we will not be able to provide any refunds after June 18.



Have other questions? 


Email Your Parish/School Leader 


 The GSP Director

Ryan Phelan at


 This ministry is supported through the Diocese of St. Petersburg and donations to the Annual Pastoral Appeal.

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