The Good Samaritan Project 2021 will be unique.
With the COVID-19 pandemic almost over yet still very much a reality, GSP 2021 will hope to strike a middle ground that will both keep 250 people safe and yet allow for some relaxing of restrictions. While government leaders are loosening many restrictions, the CDC still warns about the high-risk nature of large indoor gatherings like GSP.
Therefore, GSP 2021 will have the following protocols in place:
Do I need to quarantine or take a Covid Test prior to attending GSP?
Quarantining 10 days prior to GSP, or at least avoiding large groups and gatherings with non-family members, is not required but highly encouraged. COVID testing is not required but recommended if you have been in a high-risk situation within 10 days of the start of GSP.
Do I need to bring my own face masks for GSP?
GSP will provide one medical mask per person per day and will have more on hand as needed. Participants are welcome and even encouraged to bring their own masks from home (there will not be opportunity to clean masks so plan to bring enough for each day).
Will the facilities at BMCHS be properly and regularly cleaned?
GSP will ensure that all rooms are cleaned regularly each day and with proper COVID measures based on CDC and diocesan guidelines.
Are parents allowed in the building at GSP?
Parents will not be allowed in the building: registration and pick up will take place outside and in staggered fashion at Bishop McLaughlin.
Will we still sleep in classrooms this year, and what is a household?
In previous years, we have slept between 15-20 students per classroom. For 2021, our goal will be to fit between 8-12 students per classroom. Our hope is that each parish or school group will be able to fill a classroom with only their students. However, for smaller groups this may not be possible and we may have to combine two groups to fill a classroom. These small groups of 8-12 will be referred to as your “household” for the week.
Will there be a daily symptom check?
In the mornings, participants will wear a mask to go to their household’s assigned bathroom, get changed, but then must return to their classroom until directed (no hanging out in hallways). GSP Staff will come around to take temperatures and perform a daily symptom check; once a household is cleared, that entire household is dismissed together to the cafeteria for breakfast.
What will happen for breakfast and morning session?
Breakfast at assigned tables by household and spread out across cafeteria and other assigned rooms for dining. Do not have to wear a mask while sitting at the table but encouraged to wear them when not actively eating. Dismiss them into the auditorium for large group, 20 minute morning session – masks required. Sit in parish groups in the auditorium: spread out and in a spot designated by GSP. Different spot each day.
What will happen on the bus?
Must wear masks on the bus, spread out as much as possible. We will limit the number of people on each bus.
What will happen at service sites?
​Service will be mostly outdoors. When serving outside, do not have to wear masks but recommend social distancing. If interact with clients or come inside to cool off, masks should be worn.
How will showers and rec time remain safe?
Come back via bus for showers with staggered times by parish group, and with socially distanced lines.
For rec time, GSP will provide for outdoor opportunities under tents, as well as socially distant indoor activities. If masks are worn, some gym games and other indoor activities will be allowed, e.g. volleyball, basketball, etc. This year only, we will allow household groups to hang out in their classrooms (no masks) with their chaperone moderators. We will even provide some classroom game options.
Do teens have to wear masks during Mass?
Masks will be required for the full 40 minutes at Mass. We will limit music at Mass.
How will dinner remain safe?
We will dismiss to split-shift of either dinner or parish group discussion time (Parish Time). Different shift each day. Same rules for breakfast apply to dinner.
What about the evening program?
Masks will be required for the beginning of the night (entering the auditorium, games, singing). Masks will be required as we dismiss by parish group. Masks will be optional during the remainder of the time during the program.
What about the usual evening snack time?
Sit at assigned table by household spread out across cafeteria and other assigned rooms. Do not have to wear a mask while sitting at the table, but encouraged to wear them when not actively eating.
What will the bedtime routine look like?
After snack, teens will be dismissed to classrooms where they have an assigned bathroom for preparing for bed. When in bathrooms, must wear masks except for brushing teeth or washing face.
What if someone needs to use the restroom in the middle of the night?
If have to use the restroom in the middle of the night, please use the closest restroom regardless of where your assigned bathroom is located. Try to wear a mask.
Are teens allowed to go into another classroom besides their own?
If at any point you are in someone else’s classroom, we reserve the right to send you home.
What if someone in my household/classroom shows symptoms of COVID?
If anyone in your household (sleeping in the same classroom) shows any COVID symptoms at any point during the week:
That entire household will be asked to leave GSP to get tested for COVID.
No one in that household will be allowed to return to GSP until they can show proof of a negative COVID test.
If any individual in that household receives a positive COVID test, the entire household will be asked to stay home.
Regardless of time missed or if you have been sent home, there are no financial refunds for GSP for any reason after June 18, 2021. If your child tests positive for COVID between June 7-18, we will provide a full refund with proof of a positive test. However, we will not be able to provide any refunds after June 18.
Download the Mandatory Parent Acknowledgement and Acceptance of these protocols here.